
Thursday 17 July 2014

Diet And Exercise Tips To Get Lean For Your Special Occasion

Diet And Exercise For Shaping Up
Do you have a special event or vacation coming up in which you want to look you best? It's understandable why you do not want to attend your special event with all the excess fat that you've accumulated over weeks, months or years of overindulging. You'll want to lose fat to get lean so that you can have a much more impressive appearance when you present yourself at your event or vacation.

Getting lean involves a simple process that you have to stick to everyday until you reach your ultimate goals. Honestly, it may not always be easy sticking to the rules of that process but with a bit of determination you'll get it done.

Getting a lean body is just another phrase for losing body fat. And body fat is really calories stored in the body overtime due to overeating. Whenever you eat more calories than you burn, the excess calories will be stored as fat. The process required to get lean is to reverse this effect.

When you want to get lean you have to eat less calories than you are burning which is known as a calorie deficit. The process is simple. Excess calories are stored as fat, so in order to lose fat you need to stop putting in more excess calories and instead start eating an amount of calories daily that is a shortage to your body's needs. The body will then make up for that shortage by burning fat. The longer you remain in the calorie deficit the more fat you'll lose.

However, I admit the process is simple but it's not always easy to accomplish significant fat loss by eating less and exercising more to create a calorie deficit.

In order to reach optimum success in getting a lean body you need to use the right diet and exercise plan that will work for your specific circumstances and body type. By addressing your body's specific genetic makeup you'll burn off a great deal of excess fat.

The type of approach you'll need to take to burn fat quickly is a bit different from the approach you'll take to burn fat at a slow pace. Everyone's body is different and respond differently to diet and exercise. The key is to use the best approach towards diet and exercise that will work for someone in your circumstances.

The Diet 

The diet to lose fat must include a calorie deficit but not too extreme to cause consequences such as muscle loss, diet intolerance and metabolic slowdown. You should also look at the type of calories you're eating. Pay attention to macronutrients: carbohydrates, protein and fat and make sure they are balanced properly. Ensure your meals contain foods that have fat burning properties and try to eat them in a pattern that'll increase weight loss. When eating your meals try to stop eating before you're completely full. Drink water regularly, and strictly limit your intake of processed sugars and unhealthy fats.


A good exercise plan to get lean should include cardio and weight training. Perform high intensity cardio 30-45 minutes at least 3 days per week. make sure to start your program at least 3 weeks out from the date of your event or vacation. You should lift weights 2-3 days per week to help with burning more fat and keep your muscle mass.

So this is basically what is required to get lean for any reason. Losing fat is accomplished by diet and exercise to create a calorie deficit. This will burn stored calories in the body. The critical thing in getting a lean body is to do what is required the right way and stick to doing it, which is best accomplished with a good exercise and diet program that is right for you.